Vogt History

Hand-Crafted Silver & Leather Since 1970

In the 1960s, Norm Vogt traveled to Old Mexico. A traveler and visionary, he had called Northern California home since leaving his birthplace of Oklahoma on a freight train at 18 years of age. Norm served in World War II, piloting an amphibious plane for the Navy, and came home to start a ranch in the Golden State. But while in Mexico, he encountered a group of artisans practicing leatherwork and silversmithing in the Old World style. This sparked a partnership that lives on today in the enduring art and craftsmanship of Vogt Silversmiths. 


Father and son founders, Chet and Norm Vogt.


Continuing the Tradition

Norm founded Vogt Silversmiths with his son Chet, who ran the business and managed daily operations. Meanwhile, Norm hit the road in his motorhome. He loved nothing better than working as a traveling salesman for Vogt Silversmiths, and spent many years traveling across the country.

In the early years, Vogt Silversmiths specialized in silver bits and spurs. The Vogt family was raised in the Californio style, using silver ornamentation on the ranch directly inspired by traditional vaquero culture. For 500 years, the art of silversmithing has been passed down from generation to generation in Mexico. Vogt Silversmiths owns and operates two silver shops in Mexico, employing local craftsmen in creating heritage pieces to conserve these ancient arts and provide freedom and secure employment for local craftsmen.

For many years, most of Vogt Silversmiths’ pieces were sold through mail order catalogs and directly to wholesalers—largely mom and pop country and western stores. As those stores started to go out of business, replaced by big box Western retailers, Vogt Silversmiths shifted into a new era. The price point and high quality of Vogt’s pieces didn’t suit the mass production required by chain retailers. Instead, the company chose to shift to a robust online platform. Vogt continues to partner with trusted Western stores across the country, with the other half of its business conducted direct to consumer through their online store.


Chet riding Hobby’s Best – Livermore CA - 1986


Environmental Stewardship

Today, Chet continues to manage Vogt Silversmiths along with the family cattle ranch, running cattle in Eastern Oregon during the summer months and in Northern California during winter. He lives in Northern California with his wife Angela. Nothing is more important to Chet than spending time with his family, including his son Casey and grandchildren Nick, Emma, Natalie, and Ryan.


Chet with "Grandson Nick" on his first ride.

Chet's love for his family and the heritage of his land prompts his ongoing passion for environmental stewardship and sustainable ranching practices on Three Creeks Ranch. He is a dedicated conservationist who cares deeply about the land and the life sustained on it.


In 2008, Chet was the recipient of the prestigious California Leopold Conservation Award for his leadership in herd management, land health, and innovative holistic grazing. As a result of his conscious land practices, he has restored biodiverse soil, clean water, and thriving bird and plant life on his ranch. Chet serves on the board of the California Cattlemen’s Association, and is the chairman of its Rangeland Improvement Committee.

The Gold Standard in Silver

In the 1990s, Chet recognized a need for a luxury line of buckle sets using high-quality materials for customers of discriminating taste looking for legacy pieces. The Chet Vogt Signature Maker line was born. Using 14-karat and 18-karat multi-colored golds on a heavier sterling base, each CV Maker piece is fully hand-engraved front and back, signed by Chet, and includes a signature number.


Preserving heritage and legacy with every piece.


And Then There Was Vogt.

As new generations discover the Vogt Silversmiths tradition, they’ll hear a story we remain proud to tell. It’s an American story, a story about fatherhood, heritage, tradition, and family, honoring what matters, and perpetuating the beauty of ancient art forms that continue to influence the way we live and work. Thank you for being part of this story.

Three generations on the ranch: Casey, Nick, and Chet Vogt.